The Many Variations of Slot Machines

Unlike table games, where the outcome depends on other players, slot machines can be played by people of any age or skill level. They’re easy to play, require no knowledge of casino rules or strategy and offer some of the biggest, most lifestyle-changing jackpots in the industry. But even within this broad category, there are many variations in style, theme and gameplay, with some offering more chances to win than others.

The most obvious variation is the replacement of mechanical reels with electronic ones. But the basic principles are still the same: Once a spin is complete, the machine must determine whether or not the player has won. To do this, it must compare the current state of each physical reel to its paytable. Depending on the machine, this can be accomplished either by a physical sensor (such as a barcode scanner) or by a computer chip that reads each symbol and its position.

Increasingly, slot manufacturers are adding new types of slots that have little to do with technology and everything to do with themes. Video slots, for example, feature a representation of rotating reels on a video screen rather than actual mechanical ones, and some have paylines that run in V’s, upside down V’s, zigs and zags instead of straight lines. Likewise, special symbols may trigger bonus rounds that offer additional chances to win money or prizes.